Characterization of polymeric materialsmaterials development of new materials Equipment
Equipment for Analysis
- Thermogravimetric Analyser (TGA) and simultaneous analyser TGA-DSC
- Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC)
- Gas Chromatography-Mass spectrometry (GC-Ms)
- Gas Chromatography with FID detector and TCD
- Liquid chromatography (HPLC)
- Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR)
- Spectrophotometer with integrated sphere
- Field Emission Guns - Scanning Electron Microscope (FEG-SEM)
- Optical microscopy (up to 1500x)
- C Swelling point measurement
- Oxygen and water vapour permeability
- Nano indenter
- Width measurement
- 4 point Surface conductivity measurement
- Colorimeter
- Microcolour
- Glossmeter
- Accelerated ageing chamber
- Radiometer
- SOXHLET & ASE 200 Extraction Systems
- Migration test equipment
- Climatic chamber with temperatura, moisture and UV radiation control
- Ultrasonic bath
- Incubator
- Furnace with controlled atmosphere up to 1100º
Equipment for Mechanical tests
- INSTRON universal testing machine specific for plastic materials
- Specific pneumatic clamping for plastic materials
- Manual stamping press for samples
- Taber Abrader
- Lineal & Pin on disc tribometers
- Hardness testers shore A & D y micro-ultra-hardness testers
Equipment for processing
- Extruder Doctor Collin E25Px25D, DIE 200mm, CR136/230 Max power 25200 W Single-spindle polymeric processing system for flat layers and continuous width up to 200mm and thickness of 0,5mm.
- Double-spindle extruder
- Hot-plate press
- UV curing furnace
- IR curing furnace
- Roll to Roll coating system
- PV laminator P.Energy
Our technological services are adapted to working needs of our clients, offering from the execution of specific tests to characterization works or support in the development of new materials or products.