Ayudas para la participación en programas internacionales de I+D+i durante 2014
- INT14-61- Magnifiying incoming sun with Smart molecular based photovoltaic systems for building integration (MAGNISUN).
- INT14-62- Novel Indium Free Transparent conductor materials for electrodes aplications (INFREE).
- INT14-63- HIGH efficiency tándem solar cells by innovative design architectures and advanced LIGHT management (HIGHLIGHT).
- INT14-64 - Reduced cost and increased lifetime flexible OLEDs in automotive applications (LIFE-OLED).
- INT14-65- High Specific Power Aluminium-air Rechargable Batteries For E-Mobility (ALAIRE).
- INT14-66- Virtual Design of Cyber-Physical Production Optimization Systems for Long Production Factories (Cyber- POS).
- INT14-67- Study of the weldability of new Premium carbides free bainitic rail steels and the mechanical and tribological behaviour of their welded joints (BAINWELD).
- INT14-68- Advanced 3D Modelling of Archeological Pottery mfor Heritage Dissemination and research Actions (AMPHORA).
Convocatoria: Ayudas a empresas y centros de investigación del Principado de Asturias para la participación en programas internacionales de I+D+i durante 2014.